
The Importance of Protecting Your WordPress Website

protecting your website

You may run your website on the popular WordPress platform that powers almost 33% of the websites running in the world. You may have built the site once upon a time from how-to guides or perhaps you invested in a professionally built site.

Has your site been kept up to date with the core WordPress software updates since it went live? Have the various plugins been kept up to date?

You may not necessarily have the time to invest in protecting your WordPress website, but it is fundamentally one of your organisations largest assets.

All software is vulnerable. The software that runs on your PC and your phone needs to be kept up to date, to fix bugs and potential security holes. This is why Apple and Microsoft release regular updates. The software which runs your organisations website needs to be kept up to date.

If you don’t keep your software up to date, it can be a potential risk for hackers looking for opportunities. Once a security flaw has been identified hackers go looking for sites running the un-fixed version of software. Since the flaw often details exactly what needs to be fixed, the hacker has some indication on how to maximise this opportunity.

Once the hackers gain access to your site, they might use your subscribers contact details to send Phishing emails to, where they trick your subscribers into installing malware on their PCs. Alternatively they may use your hosting account’s CPU resources to host bots for other attacks.

This could be disastrous to your organisations’ reputation and could result in loss of trust between you and your subscribers, donors and supporters.

There are literally hundreds of security steps one could take, but if you follow some well defined security principles you’ll be much better protected.

Here’s our top 5 for protecting your organisations WordPress website,

  • Don’t use ‘admin’ as a username
  • Use HTTPS rather than HTTP
  • Use premium hosting and have secure backups in place
  • Install a security plugin such as WordFence or Securi
  • Keep WordPress and plugins up to date

You may not think hackers want your websites content and you’d be correct! What they want is the processing power of your hosting platform, so they can send unsolicited SPAM and set up dodgy looking websites to fool people into entering their bank account details.

We’ve seen first hand where a website was de-listed from Google as it had been hacked, unbeknown to the website owner, and the website owner had a devil of a time rectifying everything and getting Google to trust the issues had been resolved in order to be re-indexed. After all Google don’t want to be sending their customers to your website if it’s dodgy!

Don’t be drawn into cheap hosting either….there’s a reason it’s cheap – and it’s because your website is sharing disk, CPU and memory resources with hundreds, sometimes thousands of other websites. And do you think hackers are paying top dollar to host their websites? Nah!

Our FREE guide will help you understand the importance of security and give you better peace of mind.

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