You don’t need a website – you need more than a website.
During our recent website reviews we reviewed many different types of websites. Some had been professionally developed, some were self developed by the owner of the business. And in this day and age of website builders such as Wix, and Squarespace, anyone can pretty much build a website.
But you don’t need a website. You need customers.
A website is a tool, like a telephone is a tool. It enables you to communicate. It enables you to receive messages, take orders, showcase your work.
Simply building a website will not immediately result in getting orders, or bookings. You need to have visitors to your website. There’s two ways to do this. Firstly you spend money and pay for traffic such as Facebook ads, or Google Ads. Secondly you share your content online to audiences that find it of value. Hopefully they’ll share it with their audiences, and heck it might even go viral. You have got social sharing enabled on your website haven’t you?
But who should you be targeting with paid traffic? Who is your ideal customer? Where do they hang out? How do you get infront of them?
So you have received your first enquiry from your website. What do you do with that enquiry? What is your process for handling a prospect? Do you try and book them in straight away, or do you educate them and learn more about them. Each business is different, and each has a different customer journey.
Once you have traffic coming to your site, are you tracking where people are going on your website? Are they arriving and immediately leaving? Are they visiting particular content? Should that content be moved to your home page? What needs to be tweaked in order to ensure your visitors don’t leave too soon?
Do you have calls to actions on each and every page? What do you want the visitor to do after reading your About page? Is there a phone number to call or an opt-in to complete? If they do sign up to the opt-in, how do you manage that process? Do you send them 1 or 7 emails? What type of content do you send them?
So in summary you don’t need a website. You need more than a website. Ideally you need a digital strategy. Most likely one of the components will be a website, along side traffic, social, SEO, optins and email marketing.
Talk to the team at Rock Paper Digital about your digital strategy and how your website fits into it. We’ll review any existing website you may have and look at your overall strategy. If you’re just starting out let’s talk strategy first!
Download our free guide to learn the secrets to a successful website project, featuring tips that you can implement straight away.
Learn how to make your next website project a winner